Abstracts can only be submitted through the Online Submission System via the Congress website.
Abstracts sent via e-mail, fax, or postal mail will not be accepted.
Before submitting an abstract, it is necessary to register to the online system. If you do not already have a membership account, you can create a new account through the system.
Each participant can submit a maximum of two abstracts. In case of submitting more papers, a paper fee of 500 Turkish Liras will be charged for each paper.
Since the abstracts will be published as submitted through the system, attention should be paid to spelling errors. Authors are responsible for all spelling errors.
If the abstract is accepted, the author who will present the paper must complete the congress registration. Otherwise, the paper will not be published in the Congress abstract book.
Abstract Categories
Oral and poster presentations can be submitted to the congress on all topics related to oncology nursing, especially in the following categories:
Cancer Prevention
Early Diagnosis and Screening in Cancer
Cancer Surgery
Targeted Treatment
Endocrine Therapy
Radiation Oncology
Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Complementary and Holistic Care Approaches
Pediatric Oncology
Breast Care Nursing
Survival and Rehabilitation
Geriatric Oncology
Palliative Care
Patient and Family Education
Symptom Management
Patient and Employee Safety
Management, Leadership, and Advocacy
Technological Developments and Innovation
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstracts should be prepared in Turkish and English and uploaded to the system
English and Turkish abstracts (excluding title, author's name, surname, institutional information, and keywords) should not exceed 400 words each.
Abstracts should be prepared in Times New Roman font, 11-point size, and 1.5 line spacing.
Title of the abstract:
It should reflect the content of the study, be short and concise, and should not contain abbreviations.
In Turkish titles, only the first letter should be capitalized, and in English titles, prepositions such as 'on, of' should be written in lowercase.
Academic titles should not be used in author names. Names should be written with only the first letter capitalized.
The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work (university name, faculty/department, province, and country) must be specified.
If it is necessary to use abbreviations in the abstract, the first mention of the abbreviation should be explained in parentheses.
Abstracts should include the following sections:
Original Research: Introduction and Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion
Case Presentation: Introduction and Objective, Case(s), Conclusion
Review: The purpose and content of the review should be stated in plain text.
* Case presentations and reviews will only be evaluated as poster presentations in the congress.
There should be at least three and at most five words.
"(comma) should be used between words, and they should be written in alphabetical order.
Turkish keywords should be given in accordance with the Turkish Science Terms (TBT). English keywords should be given in accordance with
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
Full-Text Submission Preparation Guidelines
Full-text submission is not mandatory. Only abstract papers can be submitted to the congress.
Full texts can be uploaded to the system after the abstract results are announced. Participants whose abstracts are not accepted cannot submit full texts.
Full texts:
It can be prepared in Turkish or English.
It should be between 1500-2500 words (excluding title, author information, and bibliography).
It should be written in Times New Roman, 11 font size, 1.5 line spacing.
All tables and figures/graphics should be titled and placed in the order in which they are used in the text. Figures should be in digital format, JPEG saved, and 300 dpi resolution.
Full text sections:
Original Research: Abstract (Turkish and English), Introduction and Aim, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References
Case Presentation: Abstract (Turkish and English), Introduction and Objective, Case(s), Discussion, Conclusion, References
Review: Abstract (Turkish and English), Introduction and Objective, subheadings, if any, Conclusion, References
There should be at least three and at most five words.
"(comma) should be used between words, and they should be written in alphabetical order.
Turkish keywords should be given in accordance with the Turkish Science Terms (TBT). English keywords should be given in accordance with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
References should be written in accordance with APA 7 style
Evaluation of Abstract
Abstracts will be evaluated by independent reviewers, keeping the name, surname, and institutional details of the authors confidential.
It is possible to accept, reject, or request corrections according to the referee reports.
The results of acceptance or rejection will be notified to the applicant author via e-mail.
Presentation of Abstract
Oral Presentation
Oral presentations can be presented in Turkish or English.
Presentation time is limited to a total of 5 minutes, including discussion.
Presentations must be made on the day and time specified in the congress program and in the hall. Those who do not make a presentation at the specified time will be deemed not to have participated in the congress.
A submission cannot be made on behalf of someone else. The presenter must be the author or co-author.
Poster Presentation
Posters should be 70 cm x 90 cm in size and prepared as e-posters.
Posters will be uploaded to the system as PDF files.
The following sections should be included in the posters:
Original Research: Introduction and Aim, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References
Case Presentation: Introduction and Aim, Case(s), Discussion, Conclusion, References
Review: Introduction and Objective, subheadings if any, Conclusion, References
Posters should be exhibited in the designated area during the congress.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 5, 2025
Publication of Abstracts
All abstracts presented at the congress will be published electronically in the congress abstract book.
Abstracts that are not presented will not be included in the abstract book.
All responsibility for the abstracts (ethical approval, correct spelling of sources, grammar rules, etc.) belongs to the authors.